Welcome Blog

Discover the journey of a passionate photographer, from childhood fascination to a fulfilling career. Learn how overcoming challenges fueled creativity and inspired a business capturing life’s memorable moments.

Gemma Caley
November 29, 2024

For this first Blog I thought I’d introduce myself and give you an insight into who I am and what makes me tick, and most importantly why I have chosen to set up a photography business.

Photography has always been a passion of mine, from being a small child I’ve always loved taking photos. While other children were asking for Barbie fun house I was asking for a camera. I struggled with dyslexia and low self-esteem, meaning that I had difficulty  engaging with school, but the camera gave me something to hide behind. So, from an early age photography gave me an artistic outlet that  gave me a ‘Fizz.’  Taking pictures became a way to tell a story without grappling with the written word. I just love to capture the story of the moments that we share with others, in the way photography can capture the soul of an instant as words never could.  

I spent the first 10 years after finishing school, working in the hospitality industry and I must admit as a bit of an adrenaline junky the long stressful hours suited me down to a tee. Working as a head chef gave me opportunities to keep my creativity flowing as well as my brain engaged, however after the 2008 financial crisis I found the opportunities had shrunk and I was no longer enjoying the financial pressures of the industry, where profit became the key word instead of the farm to fork and organic ethos I had spent the previous few years garnering. I looked around for something that would again fire my artistic flare and settled on the thought of returning to study.  

At the ‘mature’ age of 30 I returned to schooling with some trepidation, studying History of Art and Architecture at the University of York. While at university I was given the opportunity to join many extracurricular clubs, so I settled on the photography club. This changed everything, I suddenly relived the excitement of my childhood passion becoming more confident and knowledgeable about how to frame images and use lighting. Studying Art History also gave me access to research talented artists who used photography as their medium. (I’m going to blog again with the inspirational photographers I found another time. so, keep your eyes peeled!)

While at the university of York I met and married my husband Matthew, and now I am a Mum to one very boisterous boy, Carter. Life has definitely changed since having him. I have continued as a keen amateur photographer, inundating friends, and family for the last 10 years with hundreds of pictures. I continued to study completing my Masters in 2019 and went on to work for a lovely company close to home based on a farm.  

Having spent 2 years with them, yearning to be outside stomping around the countryside taking picture instead of counting labels. I was stock control manager, a roll that possibly takes a far more focused statistician than me to do. I realised that I loved the job because of its location and the people that I worked alongside, and felt my creative side was being neglected. So, in a spur of a moment, I decided to do a role that gave me more satisfaction and self-fulfilment. While the weeklong anticipation of seeing what you’ve shot on film, having dropped it into Boots for processing, may be a thing of the past, using a digital camera, the buzz remains.  So we come to the present and this sparkly new business, following a childhood hobby I am taking the opportunity to progress my passion into a career.

I look forward to working with you!!!

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